If you are interested in becoming a living kidney donor and are in good health, here are some steps you can take. More details
Current Research Collaboration of Irish Kidney Gene Project
The Irish Kidney Research Project (IKGP) works closely with many groups in Ireland and abroad. The IKGP in based at Beaumont Hospital and the royal college of surgeons in Ireland - RCSI (Dublin). Key collaborations include:
Prof Gianpiero Cavalleri PhD.
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Profile - Royal College of Surgeons (rcsi.com)
Prof. Gianpiero Cavalleri's lab has been the center of most of IKGP's work in Ireland. His lab has had MD, PhD, and post-doc scholars working on the inherited kidney diseases.
Dr Katherine Benson, PhD
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Katie has created an efficient pipeline for the gene sequencing of patients with inherited kidney disease. She is particularly interested in modifier genes and the role they play in disease phenotype.
Profile - Royal College of Surgeons (rcsi.com)
Dr Edmund Gilbert Phd.
Ed is a post doc in Prof Cavalleris lab and has played a critical role in designing studies to look at impact of polygenic factors in outcome of monogenic and polygenic kidney disease.
Dr Omri Teltsh.
Omri is a post Doc working in Prof Cavalleris lab specialising as a bioinformatician and data scientist. Omri has contributed to the interpretation of whole exome sequences coming from inherited kidney disease clinic and in particular is studying impact of rare variation ion influencing phenotype.
Dr Sahin Sarihan Phd
Sahin is a data scientist and has played a major role in interpretation of whole exome sequences coming from inherited kidney disease clinic
Dr Brendan Doyle and Dr Neil Fennelly Renal pathology Beaumont Hospital
Brendan and Neil have played a critical role in the IKGP in reviewing renal pathology of cases with rare inherited kidney disease.
Dr John Crean University College Dublin
John Crean Profile | University College Dublin (ucd.ie)
Dr Catherine Godson PhD University College Dublin
Catherine has collaborated with IKGB for many years having established the North Dublin Renal Biobank. Catherine Godson Profile | University College Dublin (ucd.ie)
Prof Mark Little MD Phd , Trinity College Dublin
Mark was a founding member of rare Kidney Disease biobank with whom the IKGP has had a long standing collaboration. Mark Little : Trinity Research - Trinity College Dublin (tcd.ie)
ERKnet European Reference Network for Rare Kidney Disease . The Irish Kidney gene Project has collaborated with multiple members of ERKnet a European consortium to study rare inherited kidney disease. ERKNet: The European Rare Kidney Disease Reference Network: ERKNet
MD and PhD students associated with the Irish Kidney Gene Project (IKGP)
Dr Caragh Stapleton - (PhD awarded 2000).