Beaumont Hospital

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Beaumont receives award at National Sepsis Summit

Thursday October 04, 2018

At the 5th National Sepsis Summit which took place on September 25th last, Beaumont Hospital received a recognition award for the hospital with the most improved documentation of sepsis (showing that an increase in sepsis recognition has resulted in improved documentation of sepsis in patients notes and therefore can be coded via HIPE correctly.)

Beaumont has been very visible in promoting sepsis awareness through the rollout of the National Sepsis Management Guidelines. Here in Beaumont we have implemented these guidelines with a focus on the 4 R’s of Sepsis Management: Recognise, Refer, Resuscitate and  Reassess along with the introduction of a Sepsis Screening Form across all areas.   We wish to remind all clinical staff to complete the Sepsis E-learning programme via BORIS on or before October 14th, 2018 to be in with a chance of winning a computer tablet. Congratulations to the Sepsis Steering Group, the Sepsis Champions Network and Sepsis Education Working Group all who have worked so hard to promote the education and awareness of Sepsis Management.  The award is well deserved.

 Sepsis team