Beaumont Hospital

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FOI Request - Susan Mitchell




Susan Mitchell




To be advised


I am interested in the number of women of particular ages who are referred to Breast Units and who go on to be diagnosed with breast cancer. I would be very grateful if you could answer the following questions

Since 1st May 2009, at Beaumont Hospital Breast Unit

  1. How many women aged 18-29 have been referred to the breast clinic, and of these how many have been diagnosed with breast cancer?

  2. How many women aged 30-39 have been referred to the breast clinic, and of these how many have been diagnosed with breast cancer?

  3. How many women aged 40-49 have been referred to the breast clinic, and of these how many have been diagnosed with breast cancer?

  4. How many women aged 50-59 have been referred to the breast clinic, and of these how many have been diagnosed with breast cancer?

  5. How many women aged 60-69 have been referred to the breast clinic, and of these how many have been diagnosed with breast cancer?

  6. How many women aged 70 and above have been referred to the breast clinic, and of these how many have been diagnosed with breast cancer?

  7. Since 1st May 2019 how many false positives (women diagnosed with breast cancer when they in fact did not have breast cancer) have there been?

  8. Since 1st May 2009 how many false negatives (women not diagnosed with breast cancer when they in fact did have breast cancer, or experiencing a delay in diagnosis) have there been?

Of the false negatives, how many occurred in women below the age of 50?

Of the false negatives, how many occurred in women below the age of 40?

Request Date



Part Granted

Decision Date
