Beaumont Hospital


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Palliative Care

What is Palliative Care?

Palliative Care is the care of patients who have advanced illness, and their families.  The Beaumont Hospital Palliative Care Service provides specialist medical, nursing and social work care.  Our aim is to ensure that as far as possible the quality of life is maintained throughout the illness and that any concerns are addressed and if possible alleviated.

Our Team

The palliative care service is made up of a palliative medical consultant, a palliative medicine registrar, 3 clinical nurse specialists and senior social worker and a secretary.

Following a referral from your consultant, a member of the palliative care team will meet with you, review your medical condition, any symptoms you may have, how you are coping and deal with questions and concerns.

The senior social worker attached to the palliative care team is available to meet with the patient to provide emotional support and counselling to the patient and their family, should it be required.  The social worker is available to meet with families who are concerned about how to talk to their children about the impact of illness on either the patient or the family, and can advise and assist families for whom this is a dilemma.

The palliative care team will work with you and your main medical team and nursing staff.  The palliative care team does not "take over" your care.

We will also help you and your team plan your care after discharge from hospital, either to your own home or transfer to another hospital, nursing home, or hospice.


The Palliative Care department can be contacted at 8093339. 

Useful links

All Ireland Institute for Hospice and Palliative Care

All Ireland Institute for Hospice & Palliative Care

Pharmacological Management of Cancer Pain in Adults

The Pharmacological Management of Cancer Pain in Adults

Management of Constipation in Adult Patients Receiving Palliative Care

Management of Constipation in Adult Patients receiving Palliative Care

Annual Palliative Care Multidisciplinary Study Day

The Beaumont Hospital Annual Palliative Care Multidisciplinary Study Day takes place in Beaumont Hospital in September each year.