Beaumont Hospital

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Information for GP's & Practice Nurses

Clinical Nurse Specialist –Diabetes Integrated Care

Amanda Ledwith

Eilish Condron

Please contact 8092744 to request further contact details.

These nurses can assist your practice in setting up diabetes clinics, support existing clinics, provide telephone support or offer training and educational updates. Our aim is by working together using an integrated care approach we can enable people with Type 2 diabetes to achieve improved clinical parameters and quality of life outcomes.

Below are some useful links and referral forms

Guidelines and Management –Type 2 Diabetes Version 3 2019 

Structured Patient Education for Type 2 Diabetes  or individual review with Community Dietitian

Foot Care

Community Chiropody Referral Form 

Diabetes Patients who have moderate or high risk Foot can be reviewed by Community Podiatrist - see here for the Community Podiatry Referral Form    (This is in addition to regular Chiropody)

Referral form for Foot Ulceration Assessment   

Email  to,  Please attach medical history and medications .