Cardiac Rehabilitation
Cardiac rehabilitation is the process by which patients with cardiac disease are encouraged and supported to achieve and maintain optimal physical and psychological healt in partnership with a multidisciplinary team of health professionals in a supervised setting.
The Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme in Beaumont has developed into a multi disciplinary evidenced based programme that caters for all cardiac patients including the most complex as well as providing a dedicated heart failure service. The comprehensive programme incorporates physical, psychological, pharmacological and dietary services as well as an established weekly outpatient clinic.
Cardiac Psychology
The psychology service to the Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme provides a range of services based on patient need. The Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme was the first of its kind in Ireland and assists patients who have had a cardiac event to recover as quickly and as fully as possible, to ensure they establish a good quality of life and excellent health outcomes. Psychology plays a crucial role in cardiac rehabilitation because of its impact on stress management, health beliefs, and building confidence. Patients who come through the Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme get guidance from psychology on managing stress levels, challenging unhelpful thinking patterns, relaxation techniques and goal setting.
Sometimes, patients in the Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme are offered individual cognitive behaviour therapy or other intervention.
How to refer
If you think you might benefit from meeting with the psychologist attached to cardiology, you can self-refer by calling 8092570