Beaumont Hospital

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IT Department

About us

The Computer Department provides information technology services to the Hospital.

The department

  • Is responsible for the day-to-day operational support of Hospital systems.
  • Is responsible for the procurement/design of application software packages in line with authorised policy decisions.
  • Implements these packages in conjunction with vendor personnel.
  • Trains hospital users and develops system interfaces to link various packages into a consistent whole.


Operations Support
  • Manages and maintains the hardware and networking infrastructure in conjunction with approved third party support organisations;
  • Operates a help desk on which users requests for assistance are tracked and processed;
  • Provides day-to-day support with the routine running of the computer systems in the Hospital;
  • Supports the hardware and software which is in use within the Hospital.

Computer Training
  • Provides training in basic office productivity tools – to the extent that these are justified;
  • Provides training to the end user community in the hospital on various aspects of the software solutions which are implemented.

Computer Development
  • Creates new software applications as these are approved;
  • Develops additional functionality, user reports, data extracts, etc as required by authorised users from time to time;
  • Responsible for supporting third party software products which have been introduced to the Hospital – in a first-line support capacity.

  • Maintains liaison communication with the user community within the Hospital;
  • Manages the day-to-day organisation of the department – financial, communication, HR, inventory management, etc.
  • Negotiates support and procurement agreements with qualified independent vendors.

Classes of Records

The computer department is the custodian of the electronic information held on the Hospital's computer systems. This includes:

  • Patient data
  • Laboratory investigation results
  • Radiology investigation results
  • Clinical services investigation requests & results
  • Personnel data
  • Financial data
  • Patient related correspondence
  • General correspondence


Computer Project Manager
Telephone: (01) 809 2162