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Relaxation Breathing

Learning how to breathe slowly and fully is a great place to start your relaxation training.  Take it nice and slow while you are learning—nobody gets it the first time.  Practice 3-4 breaths a few times a day for best results.

audio2 Relaxation breathing (5 min)   

audio2Relaxation breathing 2 (6 min)

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Análú Suaimhnis

Bealach maith chun do thraenáil um shuaimhneas a thosú is ea foghlaim conas análú go mall agus go hiomlán. Tóg go deas réidh é nuair atá tú ag foghlaim—ní éiríonn le duine ar bith an chéad uair.  Bí ag cleachtadh le 3-4 anáil cúpla uair sa lá don toradh is fearr.

audio2 Análú Suaimhnis (5 min)

[Ar ais go barr an leathanaigh]

Active Progressive Muscle Relaxation

This exercise asks you to go through your body slowly tensing your muscles, and then relaxing them.   It has good research evidence for teaching people how to control the effects of stress on the body and how to notice the difference between a tense and a relaxed muscle.  We have two options without music, and one with music.  Practice once a day for best results.  If you experience pain, switch to the Passive Progressive Muscle Relaxation.

audio2  Active progressive muscle relaxation 1 (15 min)                    

audio2  Active progressive muscle relaxation 2 (18 min)

audio2  Active progressive muscle relaxation with music (28 min)     

audio2 Active Progressive muscle relaxation with music 2 (22 min)

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Scaoileadh Forchéimnitheach Matán

Iarrann an cleachtadh seo ort dul trí do chorp ag teannadh do chuid matán go mall agus ansin á scaoileadh. Tá fianaise mhaith ó thaighde go múineann sé do dhaoine cén chaoi leis na héifeachtaí a bhíonn ag strus ar an gcorp a choinneáil faoi smacht agus leis an difríocht idir matán teann agus matán scaoilte a thabhairt faoi deara.   Tá dhá rogha againn, ceann le ceol agus ceann gan cheol.  Déan an cleachtadh seo uair in aghaidh an lae don toradh is fearr.

audio2 Scaoileadh Forcheimnitheach Matan (15 min)

[Ar ais go barr an leathanaigh]

Passive Progressive Muscle Relaxation

This exercise takes you slowly through your body and encourages you to relax each muscle group at a time.  It is good for learning how to notice tension in your muscles and release it.  If your body is painful in places, this is a good exercise to try.

audio2Passive progressive muscle relaxation (18 min)

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Insomnia Progressive Muscle Relaxation

This is a muscle relaxation exercise with a focus on helping you to relax into sleep.  It helps you to notice where your muscles are tense and to relax them, as you think about gently falling asleep.

audio2 Insomnia progressive muscle relaxation (28 min)

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Better Health, Better Living Bodyscan

This exercise is a bodyscan from the Better Health, Better Living book called Self Management of Long Term Health Conditions.  Bell Publishing have given us permission to record it for our participants.  Feel free to listen!

audio2  Better Health, Better Living Bodyscan (10 min)

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Nature Visualisation

When our minds are very active, and we have a lot to worry about, sometimes it can help to take a break and think about a peaceful scene.  Imagining or visualising a place that gives us a sense of peace and safety can change the way we are feeling and help us to relax.  Having a safe place to think about can help us settle our minds.

audio2 Visualisation of nature (11 min)

audio2 Visualisation of a safe place (10 min)

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Uaireanta, nuair a bhíonn ár n-intinn an-ghníomhach agus imní orainn faoi rudaí éagsúla, bíonn sé ina chabhair dúinn briseadh a ghlacadh agus radharc suaimhneach a shamhlú. Trí áit a thugann síocháin agus sábháilteacht dúinn a shamhlú, is féidir linn an chaoi a bhfuilimid ag mothú a athrú agus suaimhneas a bhaint amach dúinn féin.

audio2 Samhlú (18 min)

[Ar ais go barr an leathanaigh]


Autogenics is a technique to help us relax by repeating the words ‘heavy’ and ‘warm’ to ourselves again and again.  It is based on research that shows it is difficult to feel anxious or tense when we are also feeling heavy and warm.  Autogenic training is similar to hypnosis in that you enter a very relaxed state.

audio2 Autogenics  (28 min)

audio2 Autogenics with music (16 min)

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Clear the Deck

Sometimes to focus our heads we need help clearing worrying or distracting thoughts away.  This exercise helps us to pack away our distressing thoughts to focus on the task at hand:  relaxing.  If you are having trouble because of worry, try this exercise to help.

audio2 Clear the deck exercise with music (6 min)

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Introduction to Mindfulness

This is a short explanation of what mindfulness is—the art and practice of being in the moment and not judging.  This introduction is a recording from the Beaumont Hospital Morning Mindfulness programme.  Listen in if you have never done mindfulness or meditation before.

audio2 Introduction to mindfulness (3 min)

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AGE: 3 Step Mindfulness Exercise

This short mindfulness exercise can help you call your attention into the present and connect with what can support you.

audio2 AGE: 3 Step Mindfulness Exercise (9 mins)

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Sitting with the Breath

This mindfulness exercise begins and ends with bells.  The guidance supports a practice of awareness of breathing, acknowledging the wandering mind and sensations of the body.

audio2 Sitting with the Breath (13 min)

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Mindfulness Soundscape

Mindfulness practice includes being aware of the sounds around you.  This is a twenty minute exercise in paying attention to what you are hearing without worry or judgement.  This recording is part of the Beaumont Hospital Morning Mindfulness programme.

audio2  Soundscape (20 min)

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Loving Kindness Meditation

This mindfulness practice encourages us to develop and tune into self-compassion, and kindness toward others, by allowing mistakes and imperfections to be a part of who we are.

audio2 Loving Kindness Meditation (9 min)

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Seeing Exercise

This mindfulness practice uses our vision as the awareness practice.  Waking up to what and how we see things can help us to notice how we react to what we see in our daily lives.  How much we take in, and how much we miss.

audio2 Seeing Exercise (12 min)

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Mindful Body Scan

It can be very helpful to sometimes just listen to what is happening in our body, without judgment or worry.  This twenty minute exercise helps us to pay attention to our whole body with a sense of acceptance.  This recording is part of the Beaumont Hospital Morning Mindfulness programme.

audio2  Mindful body scan (20 min)

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Scanadh Coirp

Uaireanta bíonn sé ina chabhair dúinn aird a dhíriú go séimh ar an méid a mhothaímid inár gcolainn, gan aon bhreithiúnás ná imní a dhéanamh. Treoraíonn an cleachadh seo tríd an gcorp ar fad sinn, ag cabhrú linn nithe atá ann cheana féin a thabhairt faoi deara.

audio2  Scanadh Coirp (32 min)

[Ar ais go barr an leathanaigh]

Body Scan 2

This longer body scan allows you to explore whatever is happening in your body in a mindful way; on purpose, in the moment, and without judgment. Follow the guidance throughout your entire body and notice what is already present for you.

audio2  Body Scan 2 (46 min)

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Body Scan 3

This body scan gently attends to the experience of the body using slow guidance and kind attention.  It focuses on your moment to moment awareness of your experience without trying to get anywhere.  There is no right way to be.

audio2 Body Scan 3 (45 min)

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Live Mindful Body Scan

This exercise was recorded live with a group of people practicing Mindfulness.  It encourages us to listen to what our whole body is feeling in the moment, without judgement.

audio2  Live Mindful Body Scan (41 Min)

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Short Sitting Mindfulness

This is another 20 minute sitting mindfulness practice which begins and ends with bells.  There are periods of silence during the guidance, which encourages awareness of the breath and the body as part of our experience.

audio2  Short Sitting Mindfulness (19 min)

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Sitting Mindfulness

This exercise is a twenty minute sitting mindfulness meditation, which begins and ends with bells.  There is some talking, but you should also expect long pauses.  Mindfulness helps us to stay in the here and now and learn how to accept things as they are in the moment.  This recording is part of the Beaumont Hospital Morning Mindfulness programme.

audio2  Sitting Mindfulness (20 min)

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Sitting Mindfulness 2,3 & 4

Sitting Mindfulness 2, 3 & 4 are longer sitting mindfulness meditations, which begin and end with bells. There is some talking, but you should expect long pauses to encourage awareness of your own experience.  Mindfulness practice is about focusing on what is happening for us in the here and now.

audio2  Sitting Mindfulness 2 (28 min) 

audio2  Sitting Mindfulness 3 (38 min) 

audio2 Sitting Mindfulness 4 (40 min)

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Lying down Mindfulness Exercise

This mindfulness practice suits a lying down position and brings awareness to the body and the breath.  It begins and ends with bells.

audio2  Lying down Mindfulness Exercise (23 min)

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Sitting Mindfulness with Five Elements

This sitting mindfulness practice begins and ends with bells.  With gentle guidance, awareness in brought to five elements of present moment experience with an emphasis on noticing what is present without judgement.

audio2  Sitting Mindfulness with Five Elements  (40 min)

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Moving Mindfulness

Meditation can happen when our bodies are in motion, not just sitting or lying down. This exercise describes a practice of mindful walking and goes on to lead a gentle stretching yoga meditation. Remember to pay attention to what your body is telling you and be gentle with yourself.

audio2  Moving mindfulness (18 min)

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Mindful Movement 2

This exercise describes a number of stretches and movements to complete in a mindful way. Please remember to care for yourself during the exercises. If there is a particular stretch that seems difficult, remember that it is also possible to return to a lying down or sitting position, and imagine doing the stretch with your mind's eye.

audio2  Mindful Movement 2 (48 min)

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Lying Down Yoga

Gentle movement can be used as a mindfulness exercise, and this practice describes a gentle yoga sequence that can be done in a lying down position.  Remember to care for yourself when following the sequence and pay attention to your own potential and your own limitations.

audio2  Lying Down Yoga (50 min)

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Standing Yoga

This practice includes gentle movement and stretches that can be done in a standing position.  As always, listening to your own body is the most important guidance you can follow in working with balance and movement.

audio2 Standing Yoga (35 min)

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Mountain Meditation

This is a mindfulness exercise in which you are asked to imagine a mountain in your mind. Through guidance, you will explore the differences of the mountain throughout a day and over different seasons.

audio2  Mountain Meditation (17 min)

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Lake Meditation

This is a mindfulness exercise for a lying down or reclining position in which you are asked to imagine a lake.  It begins with awareness of breathing, and guides you through a gentle experience of being with a lake.

audio2 Lake Meditation (22 min)

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