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Prostate Cancer Awareness Month- Movember 2017 Promotion

Wednesday November 29, 2017

Men’s health awareness month

For the month of Movember, now known as men’s health awareness month the Rapid Access Prostate nurses, Clodagh Sharpe and Eimear Dunne in collaboration with the Irish Cancer Society, Daffodil Centre, Cancer Support Nurse, Phil Harford decided to do something small to promote men’s health surrounding prostate cancer.

Prostate Cancer awareness

Pictured- Ms Clodagh Sharpe, Ms Phil Harford & Ms Eimear Dunne

An information stand was set up on the 21st of November in the main concourse from 1-3pm here in Beaumont to promote men’s health and awareness surrounding prostate cancer. Over the two hours we handed out information flyers and booklets in relation to prostate care and provided an opportunity to men to ask questions, complete a prostate awareness quiz and we had a small raffle. We had many discussions with men surrounding prostate care. From our calculations we reached approximately 110 men over those 2 hours with information on prostate health.


We were delighted to hear so many men are actively looking after their health and many had a good knowledge base surrounding prostate care. Others had treatment for prostate cancer both surgery and radiotherapy and many told us about their positive outcomes here in Beaumont Hospital. Others reached out for support and guidance and were advised and referred to the relevant support networks. The Daffodil Centre here in Beaumont Hospital is an excellent source of support and guidance for so many of our patients and their families.  All in all we feel this small gesture has promoted awareness and got men thinking about their prostate health.

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