Beaumont Hospital Kidney Centre

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Conference 2013

Tracking the Patient Journey from CKD to Transplantation

Conference 2013

Presenters & Presentations

Fidelma Fitzpatrick

Dr Fidelma Fitzpatrick

Biography: Consultant Clinical Microbiologist, Beaumont Hospital and Health Protection Surveillance Centre, Dublin, Ireland. Senior Lecturer, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.
National Clinical lead - Prevention of Healthcare-associated Infection and Antimicrobial resistance.


Blood Stream Infection: Prevention is Better Than Cure!

Further Reading:

And finally information on healthcare assoc infections for patients is at:

Maeve Conference 2013

Maeve Crudge

Biography: Renal Virology Coordinator Beaumont Hospital.

Received the Shepards Trust Award and the INNA Amgen Research bursary 2013 for work on the practice initiative of catheter care bundle introduction to dialysis. Has dialysis experience from Australia, UK and Ireland. Is currently Secretary for Irish Nephrology Nurses Association. Will be undertaking the post graduate Specialist Infection Control Modules run by the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland commencing in January 2014.


Staphylococcus aureus Blood Stream Infection: Enhanced Surveillance

Annette Butler Conference 2013

Annette Butler

Biography: CNM 2 - Home Therapies Beaumont Hospital

Annette qualified as a RGN in 2004 from DCU with Beaumont Hospital. She then started working on Hamilton Ward looking after CKD, ESRD, Acute Renals, and Gynae Patients. She gained alot of experience there. She completed her Post Graduate Diploma in Renal Nursing, while working between dialysis, Peters Ward and PD, and completed her Masters in Nephrology Nursing in 2009. She moved full time into Home Therapies and in 2012 became the CNM2.She enjoys giving people the opportunity to be independent with their treatment, and visiting them in their home environment.  She sees the benefits of home therapies on a daily basis.


Nocturnal Home Haemodialysis



Dr Conall O'Seaghdha

Biography: Consultant Nephrologist, General Nephrology and Transplantation Nephrology Beaumont Hospital.

Research Interests: Genetics of kidney disease in the general population, Genetics of familial kidney disease, Stratification of kidney disease risk in the general population, Identification of novel kidney disease biomarkers, Epidemiology of kidney disease in the community, Kidney transplant.


Controversies in Chronic Kidney Disease


Sheila Boyle

Biography: Sheila  trained in Temple Street then her first staffing post was in the renal unit in Great Ormond Street renal unit.

She stayed there for 8 years before coming back to Temple Street in 2004 and she has been CNM3 in the renal unit since.

She has a special interest in ethics and transplantation.


Big Fish, Small Pond - Transition From Paediatrics to Adult Services



colm magee presenting

Dr Colm Magee

Biography: Consultant Nephrologist, Nephrology and Kidney Transplantation Beaumont Hospital.

Areasof  Interests:
All forms of kidney disease but particular interest in renal transplantation, in cancer-associated kidney disease and in kidney diseases associated with pregnancy.


Plasmapheresis & Desensitization


derek o neill presenting

Derek O'Neill

Biography: Chief Medical Scientist over the transplant laboratories or to give it it's full title the National Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Service for Solid Organ Transplantation.

Derek has a long history working in the transplant area dating back to 1986 in Jervis Street Hospital and transferring to Beaumont 25 years ago yesterday. His background is Blood Transfusion and Haematology but liked the move in transplant immunology and stayed there ever since his first move. He transferred full time to H&I in 1990 and took over as head of the department in 1993. When he joined the department it had 4 staff in total - they now provide a national service not only to renal patients but also for pancreas, heart, liver and lung patients. He lectures regularly on transplant immunology to undergraduates and MSc students, Post grad nursing students and patient information meetings as well as academic conferences.


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