The National Poisons Information Centre (NPIC) in Beaumont Hospital provides information to doctors and healthcare professionals to assist them in the management of acute poisoning. We also advise members of the public on the need for urgent medical attention if accidental poisoning is suspected. Poisons may include medicines, household products, pesticides, chemicals, plants and mushrooms.
Our team of professional Poisons Information Officers have specialist training in Medical Toxicology and answer enquiries between 8am and 10pm. Complex clinical questions can be referred to our Clinical Director. Calls from healthcare professionals to the service between 10pm and 8am are automatically diverted to the UK National Poisons Information Service (at no extra cost to callers).
The NPIC collects and analyses data on acute poisoning enquiries received and provides data to regulatory authorities on request. In addition, the NPIC collects product information from manufacturers to assist in the treatment of poisoned patients. The NPIC also produces an annual report and as a national service, it has its own website
The Centre is the contracting body for TOXBASE®, an on-line clinical toxicology database used by hospital emergency departments and intensive care units.
The telephone information service is available to doctors and healthcare professionals 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. Advice on accidental poisoning is also provided to members of the public between 8am and 10pm.
The National Poisons Information Centre (NPIC) in Beaumont Hospital provides a telephone information service to doctors and healthcare professionals to assist them in the management of acute poisoning.
We also advise members of the public on the need for urgent medical attention if accidental poisoning is suspected. Poisons may include medicines, household products, pesticides, industrial chemicals, plants and mushrooms.
The NPIC collects and analyses data on acute poisoning enquiries received and can provide data to regulatory authorities on request. Email to request data.
We liaise with the database administrators to ensure that Irish products are listed.
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If you are a healthcare professional looking for advice please phone +353 1 809 2566 or +353 1 837 9964 (24 hours).
The public poisons information line is open from 8am to 10pm every day at 01 809 2166 if you need advice on accidental poisoning. Between 10pm and 8am please contact your GP or local emergency department.
Email us at for administrative queries only. We cannot give clinical advice by email.
Facebook: @NPICireland
Instagram: @Npicireland
Twitter/X: @IrelandNpic