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Day of Surgery Admission (DOSA)

A ‘day of surgery admission’ (DOSA) is when a patient is admitted to hospital on the day of their surgery/operation. You will already have attended a pre-assessment clinic which will check if you are suitable to have your surgery as a day of surgery admission. What this means is that if you are suitable, you will be admitted to the Hospital DOSA Unit early on the morning of your planned surgery.  

Where should I go on the morning of my surgery?

You will receive a phone call from our scheduled care office during the week before your planned surgery to confirm your admission and the time you should come to the hospital.  Please check in with the main admissions department opposite main reception where we will take some details and direct you to the ward where a nurse will welcome you, make you comfortable and complete all the necessary paperwork. You will need to change into a theatre gown.  Before going to theatre you will meet a member of your surgical team who will answer any questions you have. We may have to carry out some routine tests, take blood samples, carry out a chest xray or ECG (tracing of your heart). If you have had these tests done before your day of surgery (perhaps at your preoperative assessment visit) you may not need them again.

When the time comes for your surgery a nurse will accompany you to the theatre.  After your surgery, you will spend some time in the recovery area of theatre before you are transferred to a ward to recover fully. If you are in hospital for day surgery then you will be discharged later that same day.  All other patients will stay in hospital as advised by their surgical team.

Can someone come with me?

A friend or relative can come with you. Due to limited space we have to ask that you bring only one person. We may need to ask your relative or friend to wait outside of the unit during peak admission times. Your relative or friend will be given the phone number and location of the ward where you will be admitted to so that they can find you after your operation.  There are lots of amenities close to the hospital where your companion can spend a few hours, and we will phone them once you are ready to go home.

What do I need to do before I come into the hospital?

  • Please have a shower or bath before you come to the hospital.
  • Please do not put on any make up and remove nail varnish, false nails, fake tan, false eyelashes contact lenses, jewellery or piercings.
  • Do not eat or drink after 12 midnight – unless otherwise instructed.
  • If you have been given any specific instructions from your surgeon or nurse specialist please ensure you follow them prior to surgery.

What should I bring in with me?

  • Reading glasses / hearing aids / dentures / prosthesis.
  • All current medication in the original packaging (tablets, eye drops, inhalers etc) so we can check what medicines you are taking. Your medications will not be required once you are admitted to your ward after surgery and should be given to your companion.
  • Please do not bring any valuables and only bring minimal belongings with you. The Hospital does not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage of patients’ valuables.
  • You may bring reading material while waiting for your procedure.
  • If you have a mobile phone or a tablet with you, please give them to your friend or relative until after your surgery is complete.
  • Your belongings will be labelled and transferred to the ward by a porter while you are in surgery.
  • Dressing gown and slippers (you will be walking to theatre, if able).

Going to theatre

The theatre staff will contact the DOSA Unit to let them know they are ready for you. You will be escorted to theatre by a DOSA nurse. If you are unable to walk, we will provide a wheelchair/trolley. The theatre staff will greet you and go through the surgery details with you again.  After the surgery you will stay in a recovery room for some time where you will be made comfortable before being transferred to the ward to recover fully.  

How can I contact DOSA

If you are unable to attend or are delayed please contact DOSA as soon as possible Tel: 01 852 8456

If DOSA staff are unavailable, please contact the Admission office Tel: 01 809 2944/2176/3355.

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