Beaumont Hospital
The Emergency Department (ED) of Beaumont Hospital provides an urgent care service to patients over 16 years of age. The service is provided 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. For patients under 16 years of age please see Childrens Health Ireland for information on local Emergency Departments and Injury Units in Dublin• CHI Crumlin• CHI Temple Street• CHI at Tallaght Hospital - Emergency Care Unit• CHI at Connolly/Blanchardstown Hospital - Urgent Care Unit
Find out more information on Beaumont Emergency Department HERE
EDs deal with life-threatening emergencies. For example, if someone:• is breathless• is feeling unwell and getting sicker very quickly• has not peed in over 12 hours and does not need to pee• is not feeling well and has become confused and agitated• is very pale with cold hands and feet• is dizzy when they sit up or unable to stand• has developed a rash that does not disappear when pressed down
When you arrive, you will be seen by a triage nurse. The triage nurse is trained to find out what is wrong with you. They will prioritise you based on your condition and you will be seen on that basis. We often have a lot of people needing urgent care or who come in by ambulance so often we will need to ask you to wait in our reception area. If your condition changes while you wait or if you begin to feel worse, please let a member of staff know right away.
See more information on when to attend the ED HERE
Emergency departments are busy places and while we will always see and treat you, you may have to wait a long time to be seen as our sickest patients are seen first. If your illness/injury is minor you may consider some of the below options to get treatment where you will generally be waiting less than the time experienced in an ED to be seen and treated.
Details of local injury units Local DDoc Services
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