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Volunteer with us

Beaumont Hospital offers a volunteer meet and greet service. The meet & greet volunteer service provides a friendly welcome and offers assistance to all who enter Beaumont Hospital.

The volunteer will signpost or accompany patients or visitors to various departments within the hospital and answer general queries as required.

Please note this role does not replace the role of Beaumont Hospital staff members and should compliment and be a positive addition to the team. 

Volunteer duties will include: 

  • Give a friendly welcome and offer assistance to all who enter Beaumont Hospital.
  • Assist with accompanying patients and visitors to various departments or giving directions within the hospital.
  • Observe for individuals who look lost or unsure of where they are going and offer to assist them.
  • Assist with telephoning for relatives and/or taxis.
  • Assist patients who require a wheelchair and direct them to the Porter’s office. 
  • Ensure patients are in the right queue for x-Ray/ outpatients department/other departments.
  • Answer queries e.g. visiting times, location of hospital departments and the Restaurant and provide directions.
  • Assist in training and induction of new volunteers.

What is required

The volunteer service is available Monday – Friday from 9am – 12pm and from 1pm – 4pm so volunteers can give as little as 3 hours per week to the service.  

All volunteers will be provided with induction to Beaumont Hospital before commencing post.

Volunteers will also require to complete a Garda clearance check and provide contact details for 2 referees.

How to apply to become a volunteer

Would you like to give up your time and become a volunteer?

We welcome volunteers as they play a crucial role in Beaumont Hospital. Giving your time is a true gift. You become part of a greater community and may learn a new skill or share your skills. You will also meet new people.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer in Beaumont Hospital, please contact the PALS manager on email or and they will advise you of the next steps.  


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