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Planning your discharge & going home

From the time you arrive in hospital we will begin to plan to get you home.  

People generally recover better at home when their treatment in hospital is complete and they are ready to leave. We know you don’t want to be in hospital any longer than necessary, so we will work with you to avoid delays and get you home as soon as possible. Some patients may require a different type of care after their hospital stay either short-term or long-term – all options will be discussed with you and your family/care givers.

What happens on your day of discharge

We will aim to discharge you in the morning before 11am but this might not always be possible. Sometimes you may be moved to a transit care lounge or discharge lounge before you leave hospital. You will be cared for whilst you wait here for transport or to be collected.

What I need to get home safely

You will likely need to be collected or to arrange transport to get home. We do not arrange this transport for you unless you are being transferred to another healthcare facility.

You will be advised if you need to return for an outpatient appointment– most patients who have spent time in Hospital will automatically receive a follow up appointment around six weeks after discharge to ensure that you are doing well and recovering as we would expect you to.

A member of your healthcare team will speak with you about any changes to your medications and a discharge summary letter will be sent to your GP which will include an outline of your care while in hospital and any changes to your medications.

Discharge letters will also sent to other healthcare services such as a Public Health Nurse (PHN) if required for your follow-up. A copy of this letter or some additional helpful leaflets may also be provided to you.

If you have any questions about your discharge or medications ask a member of the healthcare team.

There is a helpful checklist below which will help you prepare for going home and prompt you if you have any questions.

Have you...?

  • All your belongings
  • Your keys to get into your house
  • A way to get home safely - you will probably need someone to collect you
  • Someone to stay with you at home overnight or until you feel comfortable managing on your own
  • A follow-up appointment (if required)
  • Advice on wound or dressing care (if required)
  • A copy of your prescription – we do not supply medications on discharge - ask if your prescription will be sent to your local pharmacy
  • Asked someone to go through changes to your medication
  • A medical certificate for work (if required)

Know your medicines

You will need to visit your Pharmacist to get your medication once you have been discharged as the hospital does not supply it. We want you to know and understand your medications before you leave, especially if you have been prescribed new or different medications while you are a patient here. Please ask a staff member to explain them to you – there is a helpful list of questions below which will help – and of course your Pharmacist will help you too if you are not clear about anything. 

  • What medicines do I need to take and what is it for?
  • How should I take each medicine and how will I know if it is working?
  • How long should I take each medicine, and when should it be reviewed?
  • Have any medicines been added, stopped or changed and if so, why?
  • What side effects might I need to watch out for, and what should I do if they occur?

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