Beaumont Hospital
We'll do everything we can to make your time with us is as comfortable as possible. We are dedicated to caring for you and making you feel welcome, safe and looked after, so if you need us to assist you with anything during your time in hospital, just ask any member of our team.
We actively encourage both you and your family to participate in any decisions to be made about your care during your time with us and the team involved in your care will keep you or a family member informed of your treatment and progress.
When you arrive at the hospital, go to the Admissions Office so we can register you (unless you have been told otherwise. The admissions office is just to the right of the main reception, as you enter the Out-Patients Department. Please bring your medical card or private medical insurance details with you.
After you are admitted, we will direct you to the ward, or to the waiting area if you are in for a day procedure. If you need a wheelchair or other help to get you to your destination, our Portering Staff can help you. Your ward or unit is where your core healthcare team will provide you with most of your care during your stay. From time to time, you may be brought to other areas of the hospital for tests or procedures.
When you arrive on the ward, a nurse will help you settle in and get familiar with the ward or unit. You may be asked to confirm your name, date of birth and other medical details so that we can ensure we can provide the most appropriate, safest care for you.Identification wristbands
The nurse will give you a wristband with your name on it, which you must wear at all times when you are in the hospital. If your wristband comes off or is damaged, please tell your nurse and we will give you a new one.
Some specialist areas of the hospital (such as Endoscopy, Cardiology or Oncology) and Day of Surgery Admissions (DOSA) may have specific arrangements or waiting areas where you will be seated prior to your procedure or treatment. We will let you know about this before you are admitted.
During your time as an in-patient in Beaumont Hospital, you will be under the care of a dedicated Consultant. You will meet many different members of staff who make up your healthcare team during your stay (click here to see the various uniforms staff wear which may help you identify some of those staff).
Your team is made up of doctors, nurses, therapists, and other support staff, all with the same goal – to provide you with the best possible care and ensuring you are not in hospital any longer than you need to be to recover or get well. All staff will introduce themselves to you and will have an identity name badge. The consultant or a member of his/her team will visit you daily and you will be able to ask any questions during these visits.
You will be given a choice of meals during your stay at the hospital. If you have a food allergy or any special dietary requirements or allergies, please tell the nurse when you are being admitted and the ward catering staff. If in doubt, please ask for the food allergen leaflet. When you are in your ward, we’ll offer you a daily menu (unless you have to adhere to a special diet). Meal times are as follows
We make sure that the food you eat while in hospital is safe and wholesome. Please ask your relatives/visitors not to bring in any food – especially perishable food items – as they may put you at risk of food-related illness.
Here are some tips to help you avoid infection and keep safe.
You have the right to refuse any treatment or tests. If you do, we will explain to you what this decision will mean. If you are unable to give your consent, your medical team will act in your best interests.
We must always ask your consent before we go ahead with any surgery or treatment. This may involve asking you to sign a written consent form. Your doctor will explain what will happen during any treatment. They will tell you what the risks, benefits and other options are, as well as how you can expect to feel afterwards.
It is important that you understand everything that will happen. You should only sign the consent form when you feel safe and satisfied that all your questions have been answered.
While you are in the hospital, medical, nursing, allied health, and administrative staff may have access to the data in your personal health record. Hospital policy requires all Beaumont Hospital staff members respect the confidentiality of your data.
CCTV is used to assist in safeguarding patients, staff, visitors and property.
There are times when we need to share your information to ensure you receive the best care and treatment. We may share your information with your GP, community services or other hosptials or care facilities involved in your care
Beaumont Hospital is a university teaching hospital that trains doctors, nurses and other health professionals. You might see students on the wards and they may help to deliver your care or treatment under supervision and once you agree. They may also be present during your procedure or operation.
Photography or the use of recording devices is not permitted without consent from the hospital. This includes photographs or videos taken on mobile phones and/or wireless devices or the use of any recording device. If you have any questions or concerns please speak to a nurse or member of your care team
If you have any questions or concerns please ask a member of staff who will be happy to assist you. We welcome feedback from patients, their families and visitors. If you do have a difficulty or wish to make a complaint, ask to speak to the manager / nurse in charge on your ward in the first instance.
If you are still unhappy, you can speak with the Patient Advisory Liaison Service (PALS) department on 01 809 3234 or email
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