Beaumont Hospital
Excellent care, education and research, for the benefit of our patients.
In the last year (2024 figures) we provided treatment for:
Beaumont Hospital is proud of its reputation nationally and internationally as an academic teaching hospital, providing excellence in patient care, medical education, innovation and research.
With a commitment to exceptional quality and service, and a drive for continuous improvement and the implementation of best practice, we are actively working towards attaining the prestigious global accreditation standards set by JCI.
Our guiding values and vision are to ensure an excellent patient experience through future-focused care, staff empowerment and well-being, world-class education, and pioneering research. With this in mind, we have developed a 5 Year Strategic Plan in order to achieve our goals, complemented by future orientated capital development works to reflect the on-going expansion of our services.
Beaumont Hospital Strategic Plan 2035 - 2030
Our Mission: Provide excellent care, education and research for the benefit of our patient.
Our Vision: Ensure an excellent patient experience through future-focused care, staff empowerment and wellbeing, world-class education and pioneering research.
Our Guiding values: Patient focused; Excellence; Compassionate; Quality Care; Communication; Respect
Between the years of 1978 and 1984 Beaumont Hospital was planned, commissioned, and built. The design of the hospital is almost an exact replica of that used in the building of the Cork University College Hospital (Wilton) in the early 1970s. The Hospital opened its doors to the public on 29th November 1987. This followed the closure and transfer to Beaumont of two city centre hospitals - the Charitable Infirmary in Jervis Street and St Laurence's (the Richmond).
The Hospital has a complement of 1058 beds (inpatient and day case) and over 4,500 multidisciplinary staff.
As a state body, the hospital is managed by a Board which is collectively responsible for the long-term sustainability of the Hospital.
Beaumont Hospital is home to National Centres of Excellence in Neurosciences, Cancer and Renal Transplantation
Beaumont Hospital is Ireland’s largest National Neuroscience Centre, and provides an unparalleled range of integrated national neurosurgery, neuro oncology, neurointerventional radiology, neurology, otolaryngology (ENT), neurophysiology, cochlear implantation, robotic adrenalectomy, pituitary surgery and complex neuroendocrinology services. Ireland’s only hybrid neurosurgical operating theatre is located in Beaumont Hospital and enables combined open and endovascular approaches.
National Neuroscience Centre
Ireland’s National Kidney Transplant Service (NKTS) is based at Beaumont Hospital and provides the most effective treatment for end stage kidney disease. In 2023, 189 kidney transplants were carried out at Beaumont Hospital and, by the end of this year, 2,730 individuals were living with functioning kidney transplants.
Over the last 18 years, Beaumont Hospital’s Living Donor Programme has resulted in 549 kidney transplants. The NKTS recently reached a significant milestone, completing its 6,000th kidney transplant since being established.
Kidney Centre
The Cochlear Implant programme is run by the National Hearing Implant & Viani Research Centre. Their mission is to take the patient through the ‘Journey Out of Silence’ by enabling hearing, communication, and better quality of life.
National Hearing Implant & Viani Research Centre
Beaumont Hospital is a designated National Cancer Centre. The Beaumont RCSI Cancer Centre is a collaboration between Beaumont Hospital, St. Luke’s Radiation Oncology Network (SLRON) on the Beaumont campus, and RCSI. The centre provides comprehensive, integrated oncology services including diagnosis, treatment, and follow up care for cancer patients. In April 2022, it became only one of two Nationally Designated Cancer Centre to receive accreditation from the Organisation of uropean Cancer Institutes (OECI), recognising its commitment to excellence in cancer care, education and research
Beaumont RCSI Cancer Centre