Beaumont Hospital
The Hepatology Unit provides care and treatment to patients with gastroenterology and liver diseases and provides a comprehensive integrated service for the treatment of all forms of liver disease and operates a patient centred approach through multidisciplinary team care.
A Hospital Consultant or GP may refer a patient to the service. To arrange a routine appointment please email a referral letter
Alternatively you can post the referral to Prof. John Ryan, Consultant Hepatologist, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin 9.
Please include all recent virology results with your referral or post to the Hepatology Unit, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin 9.
Please see Beaumont Hospital liver disease management referral pathway
Please see Beaumont Hospital Hemochromatosis Treatment Guidelines.
This clinic is held each Tuesday from 09:00 to 12:30
This clinic is held each Thursday from 08:30 to 12:30
Hepatitis C Treatment - Monday & Wed from 09:00 to 12:30Fibroscan Clinic - Tuesday & Thursday from 09:00 to 12:30Venesection Clinic - Monday to Friday (mornings only in St Joseph's Hospital, Raheny). All appointments for the Venesection clinic must be booked via SwiftQueue
+353 1 809 2810
+353 809 2221
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The Hepatology Unit is situated on the lower ground floor adjacent to Raphael's Ward
The Venesection Clinic is located in St Joseph's Hospital in Raheny (in the Portacabins at the back of the hospital on the ground floor)
To contact the department please phone +353 1 809 2220 or +353 1 809 2221
Our email address is
Contact our Clinical Nurse Managers at +353 1 809 2976 or at
Contact the Venesection Nurse in St Joseph's Hospital at +353 1 877 2543
Irish Liver Foundation
Consultative Council of Hepatitis C
HSE Hepatitis C website and and support group information
National Hepatitis C Treatment Programme
Health Amendment Act Card Information
Irish Haemophilia Society
Irish Kidney Association
Liver Biopsy Information Leaflet
Irish Haemochromatosis Association
British Liver Trust
EASL Clinical Guidelines