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National Poisons Information Centre welcomes clinical toxicologists from Central Asia.

News 15 Mar 2025
poisons visit

The National Poisons Information Centre (NPIC) recently hosted a delegation of international Clinical Toxicologists from Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and the United Kingdom. They were visiting Ireland as part of European Union Project 87 entitled "Preparedness and Response to Mass Gatherings and Other Health Threats in Central Asia." The project is funded by the European Union and is being implemented by the International Science and Technology Centre (ISTC), headquartered in Astana, Kazakhstan.

The group visited the NPIC and St Michael's Ward in Beaumont Hospital on Tuesday 11th February. NPIC staff gave several presentations about the work of the centre and Prof Fiona Fenton and CNM Meja Cyriac spoke to the group about the work of the Detox Unit and National Drug Treatment Centre. On Wednesday 12th February the delegation visited the National Drug Treatment Centre, the Public Analyst Laboratory and the RCSI Simulation Centre.  On Thursday 13th February they visited the National Ambulance Service in Finglas where they were given a demonstration of the decontamination unit. We thoroughly enjoyed hosting our distinguished guests and sharing our work practices and processes with them.

Our thanks to the staff in the NPIC, St Michael's Ward, Catering and Critical Care & Anaesthesia Department for facilitating this event.