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Our department caters to both inpatients and outpatients. 

With inpatients we focus on the acute care of injuries primarily due to trauma. The service is also involved in rehabilitation following elective surgery including ACL reconstruction, shoulder surgery and spinal surgery. 

With outpatients, we focus on general musculosketetal conditions referred by our orthopaedic team. Physiotherapists are also involved in a number of clinics including the upper limb, hand and fracture clinics. 

Areas of speciality include:

  • Treatment of hand injuries post plastic surgery in conjunction with occupational therapy.
  • Fitting of specific splints and braces 

Emergency Department 

This service offers direct access for patients with an acute soft-tissue injury. If deemed suitable, your doctor in the Emergency Department will refer you for physiotherapy. Once referred, this is an “opt in” service and your rehabilitation continues in the physiotherapy department as appropriate. 


This service manages referrals from our rheumatology and occupational health departments, our Pain Clinic and Diabetic Foot Clinic, including referrals from medical and surgical consultants and our Dermatology department. A rehabilitation service is also provided to electively admitted rheumatology patients. 

Pelvic Health 

This is predominantly an outpatient service for patients referred by consultant urologists, gynaecologists, colorectal and general surgeons. 

Conditions referred and treated include:

  • Stress urinary incontinence, overactive bladder and urge incontinence
  • Bowel urgency and incontinence
  • Constipation and difficulty with bowel evacuation
  • Post prostatectomy incontinence
  • Neurogenic bladder and bowel problems
  • Pelvic pain

Treatment includes:

  • Management of pelvic floor muscle dysfunction
  • Biofeedback in order to teach accurate exercises
  • Electrical stimulation for those who cannot perform the exercises
  • Advice and coping strategies including bladder training

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