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Neuropsychiatry Service

Individuals with both acute and chronic neurological and neurosurgical conditions; including Epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, movement disorders and brain tumours, often suffer from co-morbid psychiatric symptoms. In many cases these precede or parallel the neurological or neurosurgical presentation. 

Given its status as The National Neuroscience Centre which includes the National referral centre for Neurology and Neurosurgery including the National Centre for Epilepsy Surgery, Beaumont Hospital has a high demand for specialist Neuropsychiatric support. In recognition of this need, since 2002, Beaumont Hospital has offered a specialist Neuropsychiatry inpatient Consultation-Liaison stream. We work alongside our neurological, neurosurgical and neuro-psychological colleagues to manage the complexity of presentations of our patient populations.

We may be involved at different points in the pathway of a condition from initial assessment and diagnosis, to discussion regarding management advice and treatment, to linking patients with community mental heath supports. 

This is the only dedicated inpatient Neuropsychiatry service in Ireland. 


Professor David Cotter 

Dr Fiona Toal 

The service is also staffed by a senior registrar with a special interest in Neuropsychiatry and receives clinical sessions from a clinical lecturer in psychiatry from the RCSI. These are rotating posts, changing yearly in July of each year. 


This service takes inpatient and outpatient referrals from our Consultant colleagues in Beaumont Neurosurgery and Neurology.

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