Beaumont Hospital
Our Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme starts from the time of admission to hospital.
The Cardiac Rehab programme is facilitated by a multidisciplinary team which designs a personalized CR plan from the time of admission to hospital. We help patient achieve their goals such as becoming more active, improving nutrition, maintaining a healthy weight, smoking cessation, reducing alcohol intake, medication education and adherence, improving sleep habits and mental health.
CR coordinators provide a Phase 1 service which begins at the time of admission to hospital which is the first phase of recovery. This phase includes information on diagnosis and procedure, risk factor identification and modification, medication education, exercise and advice on recovery.
Phase 2 takes place when the patient is discharged home. During phase 2 patients are advised to assess their lifestyle and implement heart healthy changes. This may include smoking cessation, reducing alcohol intake, losing weight, healthy eating habits and improving physical activity.
The Phase 3 CR programme is an out-patient service which can provide considerable benefits after a cardiac event. Participation and completion of a high quality CR programme has been shown to increase life expectancy.
Patients are enrolled into a ten week exercise and education programme following an individual assessment which includes a symptom-limited exercise stress test. Assessment results are used to develop an individualized programme. Research has shown that patients who participate in a cardiac rehabilitation programme return to normal activities faster and more confidently than those who do not. Patients are invited to attend class either two or three times per week for ten weeks with up to 6 participants in each class. Classes take up to one hour and consist of both aerobic exercise and resistance training. A key component of the programme is group involvement. Patients usually find it very enjoyable to exercise with others and share advice and experiences.
Participants are also invited to weekly education sessions with the cardiac psychologist which include risk factor stratification, stress and sleep hygiene, health beliefs, relaxation techniques and goal setting. Education sessions with the dietician and pharmacist are also provided. Smoking cessation advice and tips are offered by a smoking cessation facilitator if requested.
A post cardiac rehab assessment is completed at the end of the programme to assess each individual’s progress. On completion of the programme patients will be able to confidently continue with exercises and health recommendations on their own.
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