Beaumont Hospital
Consultant Neuropathologist
Registration No: 427
Professor Francesca Brett is a Clinical Neuropathologist in Beaumont Hospital and St James Hospital. She is also a Clinical Associate Professor in Trinity College Dublin and Honorary Research Fellow in the Royal College of Surgeons. After completing her MD thesis in Cambridge University, UK and University of California, San Diego she took up her Consultant Post in Dublin and is actively involved in a heavy, diagnostic work load, undergraduate teaching (in Trinity College), post graduate teaching (Royal College of Physicians and Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland and clinical research. She has over 100 peer reviewed works.
She has served as Regional Specialist Advisor in Neuropathology in the Faculty of Pathologists, Royal College of Physicians, Ireland. In this she was instrumental in curriculum development and setting up a Neuomolecular Fellowship.
As a result of her forensic training, she acts as a Forensic Neuropathologst for the Office of the State Pathologist. In this capacity she sees most complex brain injuries in the forensic setting and defends her findings in both the coroner's court and the central criminal court. She has also volunteered her expertise as a medical expert witness in the advocacy course in Keeble College Oxford, UK and in mock trials in the Dublin Coroner's court.
She received a Graduate award in Executive Healthcare Leadership from the Irish management Institute in 2019. In 2020 she received an honorary fellowship from the Royal College of Physicians, Ireland.
Currently she is Clinical Lead in Neuropathology in Beaumont Hospital and in that role has diagnostic administrative, leadership and research roles.
MD., FRCPath., MSc (FM)