Beaumont Hospital
Anticoagulants such as Warfarin are “blood-thinning” medications which are usually prescribed to prevent blood clots such as stroke, deep venous thrombosis (DVT) or pulmonary embolism (PE).
Our anticoagulation monitoring service (or Warfarin Clinic) provides monitoring and advice for patients who are taking anticoagulant medications, as well as initiating any relevant actions where appropriate. The service is nurse-led, under the supervision of a Consultant Haematalogist. The service is located on the ground floor. We are the first office on the right as you enter the main entrance of the hospital, opposite the security department very close to the blood testing service.
The service runs Monday and Wednesday from 08:00 to 11:20, Tuesday and Thursday from 08:00 to 11:40 and Fridays from 08:00 to10:50. Our nursing and medical teams are based in Beaumont Hospital. Warfarin levels are monitored with a blood test called an INR and recorded in both the Hospital computer system (called DAWN) as well as in the patient’s own yellow Warfarin record book.
New referrals to the anticoagulant monitoring service come from the clinical teams in Beaumont Hospital. External referrals (e.g. from GPs) will first need to be accepted by a consultant in Beaumont Hospital - generally cardiology. Once a referral is received and approved, patients will be contacted with the date and time of their first appointment and will usually attend for an education session to make sure you are comfortable with taking your medication.
Subsequent appointments will be printed into the yellow warfarin record book, along with the recommended doses to be taken until the next visit.
Education is offered to both new and existing patients with the goal of ensuring that patients understand their indication for therapy, their target range, and the risks of over- and under-anticoagulation. Patients are also educated about necessary diet and lifestyle modifications, and about potential drug interactions.
See our warfarin patient information leaflet below which will explain more about the medications you are taking
You will have your warfarin/INR blood tests done in the phlebotomy department (blood testing) in Beaumont Hospital. We will contact you if we need to change your medication dose. Please remember to bring your yellow warfarin record book, along with the recommended doses to be taken until the next visit.
Monday and Wednesday from 08:00 to 11:15Tuesday and Thursday from 11:30 to 1:30 Friday from 08:00 to10:40
See our blood testing patient information leaflet below
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Warfarin/ Anticoagulant Secretary (for appointment queries) - +353 1 809 3982
Warfarin/ Anticoagulant Nurses (for clinical queries) - +353 1 809 349 / +353 1 809 3537 /+353 1 797 7908
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