The Chemical Pathology Department is part of the Clinical Directorate of Laboratory Medicine. It provides a comprehensive suite of routine and specialised tests including:
The routine opening hours for the labs are Monday-Friday, 8am - 8pm.
Please ensure samples arrive in the laboratory as early as possible in the working day.
There is no routine Saturday, Sunday or Bank Holiday service.
Out of hours: The Medical Scientist on call may only be contacted by bleeping 251
The Chemical Pathology Laboratory is an INAB accredited laboratory, see for full scope of accreditation.
The Beaumont Hospital Laboratory Users Guide below provides information on the tests provided within the Department, sample types, reference ranges and expected turnaround times. Guidance on appropriate ordering and relevant extra clinical information available in Referral Information and Patient Information section.
Many laboratory tests are subject to interference by endogenous or exogenous factors which may alter the true concentration of a substance within the body, or cause analytical interference giving a potentially erroneous or misleading result.
All samples are routinely checked for Haemolysis, Lipaemia and Icterus which can interfere with laboratory tests to varying extends. Significant levels of any of these may affect the quality of some test results which will be highlighted and/or removed from the individual report.
Drug interferences are also commonly encountered, a summary list is available below.
Tests results should be interpreted in conjunction with the clinical findings and if interference is suspected please contact the laboratory where further information on each test method is available.
National Laboratory Handbook Natriuretic Peptide Testing Guideline
Interference in Laboratory Tests
Protocol for sending CSF Samples for Xanothochromia Analysis
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Pathology reception/test results: +353 1 809 2507
Clinical Biochemistry Lab: +353 1 809 2704 / +353 1 809 2668 / +353 1 809 2671
Proteins Lab: +353 1 809 2305
Mass Spectrometry Lab: +353 1 809 2351 / +353 1 809 2673 / +353 1 809 2675
Chief Medical Scientist: +353 1 809 2670
Chemical Pathology Specialist Registrar+353 1 809 2666 / + 353 1 809 3000 and request bleep 332
Dr Shari Srinivasan, Consultant Chemical Pathologist: +353 1 809 2676
Dr Clodagh Loughrey, Consultant Chemical Pathologist: +353 1 809 3944
Dr Ana Rakovac, Consultant Chemical Pathologist: +353 1 809 3944