The diabetes service in Beaumont Hospital looks after people with Type 1 diabetes and complicated Type 2 diabetes. We provide both specialist and general diabetes care and have a special interest in diabetes technology and the use of insulin pump therapy for the care of patients with Type 1 diabetes.
We have a dedicated multidisciplinary team who provide care for diabetes patients. Consultants providing diabetes care are Dr Hannah Forde, Professor Diarmuid Smith and Professor Amar Agha. Dr Krzysztof Wanic is the clinical lead for diabetes integrated care in the community and is based both in Beaumont and the community. The service has a very busy Diabetes Day Centre which is led by Tara Brown our Diabetes Nurse Manager.
Out-patient clinics take place in Beaumont Hospital and in the Omni Shopping Centre (1st floor).
The Diabetes Day Centre is located in the ground floor of the hospital in the out-patient department between Clinic C and clinic D.
The Integrated Care Community Diabetes service will be located in the Omni Shopping Centre on the first floor from 2025.
Our opening hours are Monday to Thursday from 08:00 to 16:00 and 08:00 to 15:30 on Friday
We encourage all referrals to come through Healthlink. GP practices who do not have access to Healthlink the email addresses in the contact us section are an alternative method of referral.
The diabetic service provides both general and specialist diabetes care with outpatient clinics for young adults with diabetes.
The diabetes day centre is open Monday to Friday between 8am and 4pm and provides support and care for people with diabetes between their clinic appointments. People with Type 1 diabetes can access the DAFNE structured education programme, whilst education programmes for Type 2 diabetes are available in the community. The service also provides a podiatry service for patients with acute diabetic foot ulcers.
+353 1 809 2940
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+353 1 809 2744 / +353 1 809 2745
Email us at
Dr Hannah Forde secretary: +353 1 809 2683Professor Diarmuid Smith secretary: +353 1 809 3104 or +353 1 809 2001Professor Amar Agha secretary: +353 1 809 3968Dr Krzysztof Wanic secretary: +353 1 852 8419
For OPD queries please email:
Diabetes nurse specialist:
Phone: +353 1 809 2599Email:
Diabetes Ireland
HSE diabetes
Diabetes UK
Diabetes Technology network