An Orthoptist is a highly skilled health and social care professional involved in the assessment, diagnosis, and management of eye movement and vision disorders. These include double vision, visual field loss, defective eye movements, and visual perception deficits. Orthoptists are an integral part of the eye care team and work closely with the Ophthalmologist.
The Orthoptic department in Beaumont Hospital specialise in neuro-ophthalmology and acquired brain injury rehabilitation. We provide assessments, diagnose and manage patients with visual deficits following acquired brain injury including trauma, stroke, post neuro-surgery, and many more.
Our team is continually enhancing our practice to provide patients with optimum care and we strive to help our patients adapt to new visual deficits. Our aim is to provide patients with visual therapy with the patient’s quality of life at the forefront.
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Orthoptic Department, Clinic E, Outpatients Department