Beaumont Hospital
Vascular surgery is a surgical subspecialty which diagnoses and treats diseases affecting the vascular system, such as arteries, veins and circulation. These conditions are managed by medical therapy, minimally-invasive catheter procedures and surgical reconstruction.
The vascular team at Beaumont provides a comprehensive vascular surgical service covering conventional and endovascular therapies for a wide range of arterial and venous conditions. The most modern methods of diagnosis and management of vein disorders are used, which usually allow early return to activity when compared with conventional surgery.
The team work in close conjunction with the interventional vascular radiology service and also provide vascular laboratory services. Treatment is tailored to the needs of each patient.
The department is staff by 5 Consultant Vascular Surgeons with associated specialist registrars and NCHD teams, alongside a physician PA and a clinical nurse specialist.
The surgical and nursing team are complimented by vascular technicians and vascular psychologists.
The vascular department hold 6 OPD Clinics per week in Beaumont Hospital & Omni satellite centre including a diabetic Foot Clinic & a vascular access clinic.
While we prefer referrals to come via Healthlink, we receive emergency referrals via the Beaumont Main Switch +353 1 8093000. If the referring GP does not have access to Healthlink, urgent and elective referrals can be emailed to If you are querying an appointment please email that address also.
+353 1 809 3131
+353 1 797 4306
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For general queries please email
Mr Daragh Moneley, Consultant Vascular Surgeon
OPD Secretary: +353 1 809 3131
Mr Sayed Aly, Consultant Vascular Surgeon
OPD Secretary: +353 1 797 4306
Mr Peter Naughton, Consultant Vascular Surgeon
OPD Secretary: +353 1 809 3970
Mr Elrasheid Kheirelseid, Consultant Vascular Surgeon
Mr Seamus McHugh, Consultant Vascular Surgeon
OPD Secretary: +353 1 809 2576
Vascular CNS: +353 1 852 8352
Vascular Physician Associate: +353 1 797 7423
Non-Invasive Vascular Lab: +353 1 809 3155
Vascular admissions: +353 1 797 4703